impacts of oil and gas development

How 2019 Shaped the West

A look back at our top ten 2019 blog features on coal, oil and gas, food and agriculture, and the West.  Philosopher George Santayana famously said, “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” In 2019 we … Continued

coal ash impoundment

Toxic Coal Ash Threatens Groundwater Around the US

Above: Coal plants like the one above dispose of thousands of tons of toxic coal ash in unlined pits that leak contaminants, polluting vital groundwater. WORC network fighting to stop utilities from abandoning their cleanup obligations. Coal ash, the waste … Continued

coal mine cleanup

Who will pay to clean up coal strip mines?

WORC set out to investigate what the western coal industry’s continued decline means for cleanup of the hundreds of square miles of coal mines that stretch from North Dakota to Navajo Nation. As long-time coal companies are replaced by unknown firms without track records in the region, what has happened to the companies guaranteeing mine cleanup?

coal ash breach

Coal Ash Rule Rollbacks Keep Rolling In

The Trump Administration is accelerating its efforts to dismantle the few regulatory barriers that protect the public from toxic coal ash waste. Minerals in coal ash (the ash left over after burning coal) including arsenic, mercury, thallium, lead, and many other elements make coal ash one of the most dangerous pollutants in America, causing respiratory illness, neurological damage, and cancer.