illegal RPC development

WORC Files Injunction to Stop Secret Royalty Policy Committee Meetings

On January 16th, WORCand Democracy Forward Foundation, argued in federal district court that the U.S. Department of Interior must stop convening any meetings or conducting any further business of the Royalty Policy Committee (RPC) until it balances the committee’s industry-dominated membership, opens secretive subcommittee meetings, and discloses committee-members’ conflicts of interests.

bankrupt coal mine

Wyoming Advisory Board Advances Good Self-bonding Rules

As demand for coal continues to fall, new rules reduce the threat that Wyoming taxpayers will be stuck with cleanup costs when coal mines go bankrupt. On September 19, the Wyoming Dept. of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Land Quality Advisory Board … Continued

wyoming coal mine

Investigation of Ramaco Principals Reveals Shady History

Coal company trying to open new mine in Wyoming led by brothers convicted in “one of the largest tax fraud cases ever filed”. Note: In recent years, landowners near Sheridan, Wyo., banded together with Powder River Basin Resource Council to … Continued