coal self bonding

Coal export terminals denied

Proposed coal export terminals received more bad news today. The Washington Department of Ecology denied a crucial water quality permit sought by Millennium Bulk Terminals to build and operate a 48.5 million tons per year coal export facility in Longview, … Continued

coal export coal royalty loophole energy executive order federal coal leasing program

Federal coal leasing program looks at another sale

The federal coal leasing program has been broken for years. But that isn’t stopping Secretary Ryan Zinke’s Interior Department from considering selling a tract of hundreds of millions of tons of publicly-owned coal. Cloud Peak Energy is proposing to expand … Continued

A win for landowners on Ramaco Brook Coal Mine permit

On August 1, the Wyoming Environmental Quality Council (EQC) ruled 4-to-1 in favor of Powder River Basin Resource Council and Tongue River landowners when they rejected the approval of the proposed Ramaco Brook Coal mine permit. The hearing before the … Continued

Ramaco's Brook Mine site

We don’t owe Ramaco a permit

by Gillian Malone A mining proposal that, if approved, could affect farming, ranching and recreation around the Tongue River for the foreseeable future, is under consideration by Wyoming’s Environmental Quality Council. The EQC’s decision on Ramaco Carbon, LLC’s permit application … Continued

RECLAIM Act, coal mine reclamation

House Committee Advances RECLAIM Act

Washington isn’t all healthcare debates and Russia investigations. On Tuesday, the House Natural Resources Committee advanced the bipartisan RECLAIM Act to provide an economic boost to struggling coalfield communities by putting people to work cleaning up legacy coal mine pollution. … Continued

carbon capture

Carbon Capture & Sequestration: Too Good to Be True

A new WORC report exposes the pitfalls of carbon capture and sequestration Politicians from both parties have been wasting taxpayer dollars on carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology. That’s the finding of WORC’s new report, titled Too Good to be … Continued

British Columbia ad

Will British Columbia halt coal exports?

Voters in Canada’s southwestern-most province went to the polls recently to elect a new government. In the final weeks, the race took an unexpected turn that may have major implications for U.S. coal exports. In a surprise move, incumbent Premier … Continued

coal leasing pause coal royalties

Senators say: Stop the coal give-away!

Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke’s proposal to repeal the coal royalties rule, or Valuation Rule, for public minerals will be costly to states and tribes and the American public, according to five United States senators in a letter sent early this … Continued