coal royalty loophole

Coal royalty loophole returning?

The Interior Department has stumbled all over itself in its enthusiasm to serve the wishes of Cloud Peak Energy, the American Petroleum Institute, and a handful of other fossil fuel companies and trade organizations when it comes to the coal … Continued

Tongue River Railroad

Tongue River Railroad – Winning Against Long Odds

The epic battle to defeat the Tongue River Railroad and what we can learn from it today Quite a few folks associate Northern Plains Resource Council with the Tongue River Railroad. It’s a huge part of our history – Northern … Continued

self-bonding Arch Coal coal royalty loophole

Groups Intervene in Coal Royalty Loophole Lawsuit

On March 14, the Powder River Basin Resource Council, WORC, and The Wilderness Society filed motions in Wyoming federal district court to intervene in litigation brought by Cloud Peak Energy against the Department of the Interior’s federal coal royalty valuation … Continued

coal leasing pause coal royalties

Mineral Royalty Reform Closing Loophole Suspended

The Department of the Interior’s Office of Natural Resource Revenue (ONRR) has stayed implementation of a new rule regarding how royalties on federal coal, oil and gas are calculated until resolution of pending litigation. A 2012 Reuters investigation revealed that … Continued

coal leasing pause coal royalties

WORC Moves to Defend Coal Leasing Pause

A family farm and ranch organization filed a motion January 13 in U.S. District Court alongside conservation groups to defend a pause in the outdated federal coal leasing program against a legal challenge. The coal leasing pause was put in … Continued