grassroots organizing

Ensuring full participation in the political process

WORC’s Grassroots Democracy Program is the political and civic engagement arm of our region. The Program provides a model for coordination among our member groups for a region-wide network of organizations committed to the goal of ensuring that all of our members are able to fully participate in our democracy. The Grassroots Democracy Program leads our network’s efforts to create a more representative and inclusive body of decision-makers, carrying forward the mission of the organization, and helping shape the makeup of decision-makers in the region. The Grassroots Democracy Program enhances and protects voter rights, advocates for public policy that aligns with the values of WORC’s membership, and provides opportunities for our members to be a fully-engaged part of the political process. We focus on engaging and empowering historically underrepresented communities to build the power needed to eliminate barriers to civic participation and guarantee that policy-making is guided by the public interest.

Civic Engagement

The Grassroots Democracy program enhances and protects voter rights, advocates for public policy, and provides opportunities for our members to become a fully engaged part of the political process. We convene other statewide groups to facilitate the coordination of data, strategy, and statewide civic engagement goals. We develop integrated, data-driven plans for advancing civic engagement in diverse communities by assessing each state’s makeup, trends in population migration, voting, and participation, and creating tools to inform joint programs across each state, including voter registration and access, voter education, and non-partisan Get Out the Vote efforts.

Candidate Support

Through our affiliated Political Action Committees, we support our members running for office and other candidates who stand up for our values, through the coordination of statewide independent expenditure programs that directly support or oppose candidates at the local, state, and federal levels.

Never miss an opportunity to make the West a healthier and more sustainable place to call home.

News from Grassroots Democracy

Native vote, civic engagement

Native vote work drives Western Native Voice in August

As election day approaches, the Western Native Voice staff has worked hard to ensure that the voices in Native American communities throughout Montana resound. Getting…

Western Native Voice Votepath 2016

Western Native Voice’s voter registration tour hits the road

In July, Western Native Voice launched the Natives on the Votepath tour throughout Montana’s Native American communities to register voters for this year’s upcoming election.…

Harlem voter registration

Voter registration drive by Western Native Voice succeeds

Western Native Voice staff toured six tribal colleges across Montana in an effort to register new voters, recruit new members, and listen to young people…