Latest issue of Western Organizing Review

WORC’s latest newsletter, the Western Organizing Review, is hot off the press, featuring articles and columns on:

  • Western states struggle with oil and gas radioactive waste
  • The View from WORC – New WORC Chair Nancy Hartenhoff-Crooks introduces board officers
  • Positive reception for WORC members in D.C.
  • Treaty would trump U.S. laws and policies
  • WORC urges action on mining and drilling sites
  • Members act to lower methane air pollution
  • Organizers hone in on oil trains
  • Rancher deals with radioactive oil & gas waste
  • 2015 Congressional Scorecard
  • Obama rejects Keystone XL, WORC groups celebrate
  • Congress sacrifices country-of-origin labels
  • Trade deals and US agriculture

Click here to read or download your Western Organizing Review (PDF).