Principles of Community Organizing
We’re taking applications for our Principles of Community Organizing (POCO) training April 29th – May1st in Rapid City, South Dakota!
WORC Principles of Community Organizing Training
Tuesday, April 29th- Thursday, May 1st
Rapid City, SD

About the training
WORC’s Principles of Community Organizing training is designed as an introductory training in grassroots community organizing. During this three day training, participants will learn about what sets community organizing apart from other ways of making change, how to turn problems into issues, how to build campaigns to make change happen, tactics for organizing in rural places, and so much more. We use a variety of training methods including role plays, small group and pair exercises, full group discussions, and other interactive methods.

Who Should Apply
Ideal POCO applicants come from all walks of life, from professional organizers and campaigners looking to put their work into the context of a developed community organizing tradition and practices, to community leaders and volunteers who are passionate about organizing and want to start their learning journey. That being said, WORC’s POCO training is primarily designed for:
- Staff, member leaders, and volunteers of WORC’s 10 member groups who are eager to learn foundational community organizing skills.
- Organizers at community organizations, especially those that are working in rural communities.
Deadline to apply is Friday, March 28th.
Tuition for this workshop is $100 for approved members of WORC’s member organizations and $500 for non-WORC participants. Tuition does not include travel, meals, or lodging.

Training For Change
Founded in 1979, WORC has a long established history of grassroots, community organizing in rural communities throughout the Western United States. We believe there is a need to build and sustain multi- issue, grassroots organizations in our communities that can help people analyze and solve complex problems, build local leadership, expand people’s knowledge and understanding of their own and other cultures, challenge people to act on their values, and achieve long-term social change. We developed and hold our Principles of Community Organizing training in order to provide organizers and community leaders the basic skills needed to create and sustain local, grassroots organizations and bolster a strong movement for transformational change throughout our country.
Training Topics Include:
- Community organizing as an approach to social change
- Storytelling and public narrative
- Relational organizing
- Identifying good issues to organize around
- Developing strong campaigns
- Holding powerful actions
- Running effective meetings
- Leadership development
- Base building
- Time management for organizers
And more!

“Learn the lost art of leveraging your effectiveness by mobilizing others. Plus, a first-class focus on strategy, assessment, and tools for success.” – Jim Pissot, WildCanada Conservation Alliance
“The energy here has been amazing. I cannot express my gratitude enough. Thank you for being so inclusive, responsive, empathetic, direct, and accommodating” – DJ Benthin, DRA
“Just a few days after returning from the workshop, I had the opportunity to do my first large-donor ask. The result was a $750 donation to Dakota Rural Action. Because of my experience at this workshop, I feel I will be able to continue my fundraising work for DRA with this same level of comfort and confidence.” – Wyatt Urlacher, member