A growing number of consumers doubt the safety, nutrition and sustainability of our agriculture and food system.

At the same time, more and more young people are turning to farming, communities across the nation are exploring ways they can support local food production and farmers are creating thriving food businesses.

The interest and demand for local foods provides our members with many opportunities to develop the infrastructure for local food sourcing, like farmers markets, co-ops and food hubs as well as address regulatory and policy obstacles to local food and value-added production.

Organizing at the community level to support local food infrastructure increases income and jobs, especially in rural communities that lack food security, and replaces food imports with fresh, wholesome locally grown and processed food supplies.

News from Local food

misleading USDA labeling

WORC Network Demands USDA Close Its “Product of the U.S.A.” Loophole

USDA label rule lets multinational corporations mislead consumers. Dear Docket Clerk, Thank you for considering our public comments. The Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC)…

misleading local foods image

Dakota Rural Action teases fiction from fact on Hungry for Truth’s misleading ad campaign.

The above infographic is from Hungry for Truth (the media and messaging arm of the South Dakota Soybean Producers) which uses checkoff dollars on ad campaigns…

manure pipe from south dakota cafo

South Dakota Landowners win against CAFO running manure pipes across farmland without permission

Photo: Force main manure disposal pipe stretches along a narrow township road. Grant County Revokes Manure Pipe Permissions; Upholds Private Property Rights. Written by Dakota Rural…