Photo of a flare Ryan Zinke, BLM methane waste prevention rule, methane pollution, natural gas waste, congressional review act, methane standards

Methane Waste Prevention Rule madness continues

You need a live scoreboard to keep up with the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) 2016 Methane Waste Prevention Rule. The 2016 rule would reduce the amount of taxpayer-owned natural gas that oil and gas companies waste through flaring, venting, … Continued

Gillian Malone photo at Clean Power Plan hearing.

Voices Raised in Support of Clean Power Plan

Far from accepting the foregone conclusion that the EPA will follow the coal industry’s wishes and repeal the Clean Power Plan regardless of what the people say, members of Powder River Basin Resource Council, Northern Plains Resource Council, and Dakota … Continued

limiting methane WCC photo of projection action

WCC Defaces Federal Building (for 20 minutes)

Western Colorado Congress projects the cost to taxpayers by the BLM’s inaction on the methane waste rules. Since Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and the Bureau of Land Management wouldn’t hold public hearings on their proposal to gut the rules limiting … Continued

Beth Kaeding testifies in opposition to proposal repealing Clean Power Plan

Testimony on Proposed Repeal of the Clean Power Plan

My name is Beth Kaeding, and I live in Bozeman, Montana. I traveled here today to speak on behalf of the Western Organization of Resource Councils, which is a network of grassroots organizations in 7 western states. We have more … Continued

tariffed on-bill financing, Tammy Agard

Pay As You Save for Rural Electric Customers

It is possible to increase people’s comfort, improve their homes, and put dollars back in their pockets, at no cost to the taxpayer. That was the message that Tammy Agard of EEtility delivered to the attendees of Northern Plains’ Annual … Continued

methane waste prevention, flaring and venting

Methane Waste Prevention Rule delay ends

Late in the evening, on February 22, a U.S. District Court in California halted the Interior Department’s one-year suspension of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Methane Waste Prevention Rule. The judge called Interior Secretary Zinke’s suspension of the rule … Continued

2018 farm bill Aaron Johnson

2018 farm bill finds DRA family farmers on the front line

In early November, four farmers and farm advocates representing Dakota Rural Action (DRA) flew to Washington, D.C., to advocate for a 2018 farm bill that supports America’s family farmers. DRA members Gerry Adolf, Kristi Mogen, and Stephanie Peterson met with … Continued

Gabe Brown, regenerative farmer

Powder River Hosts Workshop with Healthy Soils Guru, Gabe Brown

On November 10, the Powder River Basin Resource Council hosted a day-long soils health workshop led by award-winning regenerative farmer Gabe Brown. Over 150 ranchers, farmers, producers, and agriculture students attended. Also hosting the event were the Sheridan County Conservation … Continued