Photo of Lisa DeVille methane waste prevention rule

Methane Waste Prevention rule targeted

The Methane Waste Prevention rule is under attack. And WORC and the member groups are ready for a fight. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced today that it will file a proposal tomorrow to stall its standard until January … Continued

activism Western Colorado Congress

You Are Here: Include whole community in your activism

“Keep asking yourselves these questions: How am I building bridges? How am I diversifying my network? How can I be more inclusive? How am I organizing myself out of my job?” With these words, keynote speaker Shasti Conrad challenged attendees … Continued

coal self bonding

Coal export terminals denied

Proposed coal export terminals received more bad news today. The Washington Department of Ecology denied a crucial water quality permit sought by Millennium Bulk Terminals to build and operate a 48.5 million tons per year coal export facility in Longview, … Continued

coal export coal royalty loophole energy executive order federal coal leasing program

Federal coal leasing program looks at another sale

The federal coal leasing program has been broken for years. But that isn’t stopping Secretary Ryan Zinke’s Interior Department from considering selling a tract of hundreds of millions of tons of publicly-owned coal. Cloud Peak Energy is proposing to expand … Continued

A win for landowners on Ramaco Brook Coal Mine permit

On August 1, the Wyoming Environmental Quality Council (EQC) ruled 4-to-1 in favor of Powder River Basin Resource Council and Tongue River landowners when they rejected the approval of the proposed Ramaco Brook Coal mine permit. The hearing before the … Continued

methane waste prevention, flaring and venting

Flaring and Venting: Waste of a Nonrenewable Resource

WORC’s new fact sheet, Flaring and Venting: Waste of a Nonrenewable Resource, provides an overview of flaring and venting in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming. Flaring and venting refer to the process of intentionally burning (flaring) or releasing (venting) … Continued

Congressional recess capitol

Issues to stress during Congressional recess

Congress is on recess this month, which means that many of your legislators are home – attending fairs, festivals and rodeos, and, in some cases, holding town hall meetings. These events are great opportunities for members of Congress to hear … Continued

blm methane waste prevention rule flare

Report Details Impacts of Methane Pollution

A new report by the Dakota Resource Council (DRC) outlines how oil and gas development in North Dakota has exacerbated methane and other toxic air pollution and public health issues. Oil & Gas Pollution’s Impacts on North Dakota Families tells … Continued

voter services

Voter services factor in Native American turnout

Reduced voter services, timing, lack of knowledge about the Congressional special election, and other factors contributed to low voter turnout in Montana’s Native American communities for the May election, according to Western Native Voice. Turnout in reservation precincts targeted by … Continued