soil carbon storage

Soil carbon storage can bring profit to farmers and ranchers

More than 80 Montana farmers, ranchers, academics, gathered on October 16 at the Red Lion Hotel in Billings to hear about the latest developments in increasing soil health and soil carbon storage. The 2016 Soil Summit was sponsored by Northern Plains … Continued

good food org guide

Good Food Org Guide: We Made the List

Food Tank and James Beard Foundation just released the 3rd annual Good Food Org Guide, and the publication has named WORC and four member groups among the 1,000 nonprofit organizations “that are doing exemplary work in the United States in … Continued

New Local Food State Legislation Report Released

WORC produced a new resource on local food state legislation in the west available for download. The report summarizes state legislation covering local food production, marketing, sales and consumption proposed and either passed or defeated since 2005 in the seven WORC … Continued


Smog Caused By O&G Targeted By New EPA Guidelines

On October 20, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its new Control Techniques Guidelines (CTGs) relating to smog forming pollution from the oil and gas industry. The CTGs are not binding and do not impose requirements directly on pollution sources, … Continued

Members travel to D.C., urge Congress to oppose TPP

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the largest trade deal ever, is in the process of being forced through Congress by the Obama Administration and their corporate allies. The TPP takes away the sovereignty and democracy of the United States and gives … Continued

reclamation funds

Reclamation Funds Add Protection For Taxpayers

Reclamation funds are moneys set aside specifically to reclaim oil and gas drilling operations. Reclamation funds often pay to plug wells, restore the surface and land surrounding wells, fix roads and other infrastructure damaged in the operating process, and to … Continued

regiser Native American turnout

Group Looks to Get Out Native American Vote in Montana

With two months left before Election Day, one group is encouraging Montana’s Native American population to register to vote. The social justice group Western Native Voice is organizing for the upcoming election, often traveling long distances across the Treasure State. … Continued

Homegrown Prosperity Lisa Harmon

Northern Plains Hosts Conference on Homegrown Prosperity

What is homegrown prosperity? On September 10, I had the opportunity to participate in a conversation about how we can build stronger local economies, and would like to share with you some of the most promising solutions. The Homegrown Prosperity … Continued

2016 election

Shaping the debate in the 2016 election season

Here is a list of questions on some key issues of concern to WORC and the member groups that you can ask candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives this 2016 election season. Citizens have many opportunities to … Continued