federal coal leasing

Federal coal leasing study focus of Whistle Stop Tour

In May and June the Department of the Interior (DOI) plans to hold six hearings on the federal coal leasing program. The hearings are an opportunity for the public to comment as the agency reviews the controversial program. Numerous reports have … Continued

Keystone spill

Update from Dakota Rural Action on Keystone spill

Here’s an update from our member group Dakota Rural Action on the Keystone spill in Eastern South Dakota. The tar sands oil spill occurred on April 2. The blog below is from April 11, just over a week after the … Continued

methane waste

Methane waste is focus of grassroots advocate

Dakota Resource Council member Lisa DeVille is garnering support in the nation’s capital this week for a new rule that would cut methane waste from oil and gas fields. DeVille, from Mandaree, N.D., is meeting with Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, Rep. … Continued

local food resolution

Dawson Resource Council wins county local food resolution

On March 1, the Dawson County Commission passed a local food resolution. Members of the Dawson Resource Council (DRC) proposed the resolution declaring the county’s official support for local agriculture and locally raised foods. The Dawson County Local Food Resolution 2016 (PDF) said, “Dawson … Continued

clean energy rally

Northern Plains members hold clean energy rally

The following is a guest blog from Plains Speaking, Northern Plains Resource Council’s new blog, about a clean energy rally held in Billings, Montana, on March 29. SUSTAINABLE CLIMATE SOLUTIONS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW By: Joan Kresich This week, Senator … Continued

Photo of a flare Ryan Zinke, BLM methane waste prevention rule, methane pollution, natural gas waste, congressional review act, methane standards

WORC Report Rebuts Industry Attacks on BLM Methane Rule

A report released in January by WORC and Western Environmental Law Center (WELC) details how the proposed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) methane rule can fill the gaps in state methane waste regulation and achieve the government’s obligation to protect … Continued

coal self bonding

Coal Self Bonding in Senators’ Cross Hairs

Prominent Senators from Washington State and Illinois launched a congressional investigation of coal self bonding for mine reclamation allowed by some states, including Wyoming. Taxpayers are potentially on the hook for over a billion dollars worth of reclamation work after two major … Continued

people's lobby

People’s Lobby promotes WCC’s priorities with legislators

From March 7 to 9, the People’s Lobby, twelve Western Colorado Congress leaders and staff, traveled to the State Capitol and met with nine lawmakers about legislation that benefits West Slope communities.  The long drive to Denver is part of WCC’s annual People’s Lobby Trip. These are … Continued

land use plans

Land Use Plans Challenged by WORC, Groups

Land use plans to keep open vast amounts of public land in Montana and Wyoming for fossil fuel development are short-sighted and fail to consider dramatic changes in energy markets that make such thinking both obsolete and financially risky, a coalition … Continued