Gateway Pacific

Gateway Pacific coal terminal sunk

The Army Corps of Engineers turned down the Gateway Pacific Terminal, a proposed coal export terminal at Cherry Point, near Bellingham, Washington. The Corps ruled the project would impact the treaty-protected fishing rights of the Lummi Nation. Artist and Northern … Continued

Tongue River Valley

The 38-year fight to protect the Tongue River Valley

I was almost eleven years old in the summer of 1977 when my parents and other members of the Northern Plains Resource Council saw an article in Northern Plains’ newsletter about yet another coal mine proposal. This proposal was close … Continued

Home on the Range marks 10th anniversary June 25

Our new 25kW solar array, which with our existing 10kW array should provide us ample electricity for our needs. Renovating a long-empty grocery store into Montana’s first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Platinum building was an intense project. … Continued

comments on methane waste

WORC & WELC Comments on Methane Waste Get Broad Support

WORC and Western Environmental Law Center (WELC) submitted comments on methane waste to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The comments focused on reaffirming the BLM’s longstanding authority to reduce waste and countering the industry narrative that the rules were … Continued

Trans-Pacific Partnership farm groups fair trade

WORC, farm groups urge Congress to reject trade deal

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has become a divisive issue in the nation’s capital, and criticism intensified after 161 food, farm, faith and rural organizations sent a letter to Capitol Hill today, urging lawmakers to reject the trade pact. “The main … Continued

federal coal leasing

Federal coal leasing study focus of Whistle Stop Tour

In May and June the Department of the Interior (DOI) plans to hold six hearings on the federal coal leasing program. The hearings are an opportunity for the public to comment as the agency reviews the controversial program. Numerous reports have … Continued

Keystone spill

Update from Dakota Rural Action on Keystone spill

Here’s an update from our member group Dakota Rural Action on the Keystone spill in Eastern South Dakota. The tar sands oil spill occurred on April 2. The blog below is from April 11, just over a week after the … Continued

methane waste

Methane waste is focus of grassroots advocate

Dakota Resource Council member Lisa DeVille is garnering support in the nation’s capital this week for a new rule that would cut methane waste from oil and gas fields. DeVille, from Mandaree, N.D., is meeting with Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, Rep. … Continued