Positive reception for WORC members in Washington D.C.

A troupe of WORC members and staff attended two packed days of meetings in Washington, D.C., on November 18 and 19. The meetings brought participants face-to-face with federal decision makers to hear their demands on coal leasing, mining, and reclamation policy. Unlike … Continued

Solar-powered interview with DRA member on Solarize SD

Dakota Midday on South Dakota Public Media conducted an extensive interview with Dakota Rural Action member, Don Kelley, at his off-grid solar home, about DRA’s Solarize South Dakota campaign. In this segment SDPB’s Charles Michael Ray speaks with Don Kelley … Continued

Bozeman resident elected Chair of Northern Plains

The Northern Plains Resource Council elected officers during its 44th Annual Meeting, Nov. 13-14, in Billings. Kate French, a Bozeman resident and graduate student at Montana State University, was elected Chair of the Billings-based conservation and family agriculture group. She … Continued

EPA moves to cut oil and gas air pollution

On August 18, the Environmental Protection Agency released its much anticipated methane pollution reduction rule. The EPA methane rule is part of suite of rules that will come out to reduce methane pollution from the oil and gas sector by … Continued

Cottage food sales expanded in three states

More entrepreneurs and food producers will be able to produce a variety of home-made food to sell direct-to-consumers after legislative victories by WORC member groups in Colorado, Montana, and Idaho. Cottage food laws allow producers to prepare and sell non-hazardous, … Continued

USDA responds to demands to regulate GE wheat field trials

In October, U.S. Department of Agriculture responded to demands from WORC members and a coalition of allies to require biotech companies testing genetically engineered wheat to apply for a permit for outdoor field trials, which is more rigorous than the … Continued

Tour del SOL promotes Solar in South Dakota

As part of the Solarize South Dakota campaign, Dakota Rural Action members hosted the first annual Tour del SOL last month, a statewide bike ride event to promote alternative energy and alternative transportation. Nearly 200 people across the state participated … Continued

WORC to US Senate: Reject COOL repeal

WORC and the member groups joined a coalition of 142 rancher, farmer, rural, consumer, manufacturer, labor, faith and environmental groups from across the United States delivered a letter urging the Senate to reject both the effort to repeal the country of … Continued

Report: western states lag in energy efficiency

WORC member groups responded to a new report released in October by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) ranking some western states among the bottom on their State Energy Efficiency Scorecard. Montana ranked 31st, while South Dakota, Wyoming, and North Dakota … Continued

TPP trade deal released: It’s worse than we thought

After six years of top secret negotiations, the Obama Administration released the text of the massive new Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal Nov. 5. The initial reaction: It’s worse than we thought. If approved by Congress, the TPP trade deal among 12 nations is … Continued