clean energy jobs

Whatever Happened to Build Back Better?

Above: The Build Back Better Act offered one of the best opportunities in decades to put people to work building renewable energy projects, installing energy efficiency upgrades, and reclaiming abandoned fossil fuel infrastructure. Is the Build Back Better Act Dead? … Continued

energy sovereignty

A Vision for Tribal Sovereignty through Sustainable Energy

Above: Wes Davis stands in front of Turtle Mountain Community College which runs almost exclusively on clean, renewable energy. It may be a blueprint for creating energy sovereignty for tribes. Wes Davis, the facilities manager at Turtle Mountain Community College, … Continued

Harry Louis Beauchamp

Western Native Voice Community Spotlight: Harry Louis Beauchamp

Feeding the hungry with prayers, a lot of hope, and a community. Western Native Voice works year-round to inspire Native leadership so our communities flourish. Their Community Spotlight is designed to highlight grassroots organizing and individuals creating change from across Montana … Continued

week of action on COOL

Join us for a COOL Week of Action Jan 24 – Jan 28

Join us in building momentum for the American Beef Labeling Act, S. 2716! Knowing where food comes from is considered by many Americans as a fundamental right. You can choose to buy apples from Montana or Mexico. Because of clear … Continued

coal mining

Federal Coal Program Review Lacks Solutions

Coal Country Communities Deserve Action for Federal Coal Program Issues In response to the Bureau of Land Management’s Federal Coal Program Review Comment Summary Report on the federal coal program review released in late December, WORC members are voicing the … Continued

montana rancher

Corrupt Pricing by Packers Putting Ranchers Out of Business

Even with consistent demand for beef, 40% of ranchers have gone out of business since 1980. Birney, MT rancher and Northern Plains chair, Jeanie Alderson, authored the following op-ed which was published in the Billings Gazette, Montana Standard, Helena Independent … Continued