WORC’s Principles of Community Organizing training drew more than 30 participants from across WORC’s network to Grand Junction, Colo., in February. The hands-on workshop covers the basics of leadership, fundraising, organizational development, and community organizing and is the cornerstone of WORC’s training curriculum for grassroots leadership development.
The workshop develops skills of leaders and staff to build powerful organizations and launch winning issue campaigns.
And we like to mix it up, have fun with role plays, and engage in the occasional dance party.
“This is one of the best trainings I’ve been to in a long, long time!” Elizabeth Howard, Western Colorado Congress
“I learned how to be more effective at membership recruitment & fundraising and how issue campaigns fit into that process.” Brian Brent, Idaho Organization of Resource Councils
Our next Principles of Community Organizing training will be held July 19-22 in Billings, Mont. You can find more information on the WORC website.
WORC helps our members analyze and solve complex problems, build local leadership, expand their knowledge and understanding of their own and other cultures, challenge people to act on their values, and achieve long-term social change through community organizing.
Putting organizing training to use
Across the WORC region, members are leading campaigns to protect land, air, and water resources and improve the lives of community members.

Here’s a sampling of campaigns led by training participants:
Colorado – Western Colorado Congress members are leading an effort to fully fund and staff the Ouray County housing authority to help solve the affordable housing crisis that’s pushing working families out of the county. Members are also working to bring commercial PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) to western slope counties – helping to accelerate the clean energy economy.
Idaho – Idaho Organization of Resource Council members are lobbying the state legislature to ensure that any revisions to Idaho’s oil & gas regulations include greater transparency, accountability, and better protections for human health, safety, and the environment.
North Dakota – Dakota Resource Council members are fighting to make sure oil and gas development is done responsibly and standing in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe to reroute the Dakota Access Pipeline.
South Dakota – Members of Dakota Rural Action are ramping up their long time fight against the Keystone XL pipeline and continuing their campaigns to promote local food systems and protect the vitality of family farms in South Dakota.
In addition leadership trainings, WORC publishes How To guides that provide tips and techniques for building strong organizations and winning our issues. These free guides are available in pdf format on our website.
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