People’s Lobby promotes WCC’s priorities with legislators

From March 7 to 9, the People’s Lobby, twelve Western Colorado Congress leaders and staff, traveled to the State Capitol and met with nine lawmakers about legislation that benefits West Slope communities. 

The long drive to Denver is part of WCC’s annual People’s Lobby Trip. These are some of the bills WCC members weighed in on:

  • Cottage Foods & Poultry Exemptions (SB 58) – This bill has the potential to increase the number of local products making it direct from the farm gate to your plate.
  • Drivers’ Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants (HB 1274) – WCC supports this bill, which would finally implement a 2013 law, as intended, that lets undocumented immigrants obtain drivers’ licenses. Republicans have restricted the number of offices offering the licenses, burdening residents with unnecessary travel and long waits for appointments.
  • Local Government Control of Off-Highway Vehicles (HB 1030) – Almost five years in the making, this bipartisan bill allows flexibility for communities to manage OHV use on a local basis.
  • Residential Rain Barrels (HB 1005) – Colorado is the only state in the nation where it’s illegal to harvest rain water for residential use! This bill has a shot at changing that.
  • Climate Action (HB 1004) – This measure would require the Governor’s Climate Action Plan to set measurable goals that would both decrease Colorado’s greenhouse gas emissions and improve the state’s ability to respond to climate change.
  • Photo ID for Voting (SB 83) – WCC opposes this bill, which is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Although there is no evidence of voter fraud in Colorado, this bill would require qualified electors to submit a government-issued photo ID to vote.

Colorado’s legislative session wraps up on May 13.

For more information or to get involved in WCC’s legislative efforts, contact organizer Rachel Zatterstrom or sign up for WCC’s email updates.