Resources and Publications
WORC provides publications oriented towards community organizing and environmental and family agricultural issues.
Western Organizing Review, WORC’s quarterly newsletter
- Heavy Traffic Still Ahead, updates WORC’s July 2012 report, Heavy Traffic Ahead, and reevaluates the anticipated increase in coal train traffic in light of the current proposals for new or expanded port facilities in the Pacific Northwest.
- Heavy Traffic Ahead, a 2012 report identifies costs, many of which will fall on taxpayers for infrastructure due to increased rail traffic.
- Undermined Promise, reveals serious problems with land and water reclamation and inspection and enforcement of the law.
- Undermined Promise II, finds that coal companies have fallen far behind in reclaiming mines, and the public faces increasing liability for reclamation costs.
- Watered Down: Oil & Gas Waste Production & Oversight in the West, examines how regulatory systems fail to protect residents and communities from the harmful effects of oil and gas development.
- Gone for Good: Fracking and Water Loss in the West, a report on how the states of Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming let the oil and gas industry drain irreplaceable groundwater resources and remove these resources from the hydrological cycle.
start here —
- Filling The Gaps, contends oil and gas companies should pay to cleanup their oil and gas operations, not taxpayers and landowners.
- Law and Order in the Oil and Gas Fields, an updated look at how state and federal oil and gas agencies fail to keep up with the rise in oil and gas drilling.
- Guide to Genetically Modified Alfalfa, examines the risks for alfalfa producers and consumers on the environmental, agricultural, and economic riskes of Roundup
- Market Risks of Genetically Modified Wheat, report finds that commercial introduction of GM wheat could result in loss of 20% to 50% of U.S. spring wheat export markets.
- Harvest at Risk, finds cost of GM wheat to wheat farmers would be more than benefits.
- Biodiesel Benefits for Cattle Producers, reviews data on the nutritional value of biodiesel byproducts as feedstuffs for cattle in the Northern Great Plains.
- Homegrown Prosperity from the Bottom Up, provides policy makers and prospective producers with information on small and community-scale biodiesel production.
- Exporting Powder River Basin Coal: Risks and Costs – WORC’s white paper on the impact of coal exports and the infrastructure required to support it
- Coalbed Methane Development: Boon or Bane for Rural Residents?
- Cowboys Don’t Walk: A Tale of Two — a memoir of life in the 20th Century West and the emergence of the environmental movement among farmers and ranchers in eastern Montana. Published by WORC in 1999. Read what Robert Redford says about this book.
How Tos
- Series of How To’s — guides to assist citizens to build strong organizations and effective issue campaigns.