regiser Native American turnout

Native American Turnout in Montana Increased in 2016 Elections

Get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts by Western Native Voice helped to increase Native American turnout on Montana’s seven Native reservations. Phone calls, rides to the polls, and door knocking bumped turnout in Native communities from 57 percent in 2012 to 59 percent … Continued

anti-corporate farming law

ND Farm Bureau can still do the right thing

North Dakota voters decided to keep an anti-corporate farming law. Dakota Resource Council member Jeri Lynn Bakken takes after the North Dakota Farm Bureau for filing suit against the law in this letter-to-the-editor in the Dickinson Press. This past June, … Continued

Members travel to D.C., urge Congress to oppose TPP

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the largest trade deal ever, is in the process of being forced through Congress by the Obama Administration and their corporate allies. The TPP takes away the sovereignty and democracy of the United States and gives … Continued

Homegrown Prosperity Lisa Harmon

Northern Plains Hosts Conference on Homegrown Prosperity

What is homegrown prosperity? On September 10, I had the opportunity to participate in a conversation about how we can build stronger local economies, and would like to share with you some of the most promising solutions. The Homegrown Prosperity … Continued

self-bonding Arch Coal coal royalty loophole

Arch Coal Commits to Replace Risky Self-Bonds

Amid turbulent times for a coal industry in long-term decline, who cleans up the leftover coal mines? Over $3 billion in mine cleanup costs are promised through “self-bonds,” mostly in Wyoming. Today brought good news that another coal major, Arch … Continued

Reform federal coal leasing nonprofits do during election season

What can nonprofits do during election season?

Election years are great opportunities for our nonprofit groups to elevate issue campaigns and get candidates to discuss their public policy platforms. Our members and supporters look to WORC and the member organizations to focus attention on important concerns and … Continued

Congressional recess capitol

Issues to stress during Congressional recess

The Congressional recess means members of Congress are in their home state to hold town hall meetings, visit fairs and rodeos, and reconnect with constituents. These events are an opportunity to let your Representative and Senators know what you care … Continued

minimum wage increase WCC

Minimum wage increase headed to Colorado ballot

On July 25, Families for a Fair Wage turned in 200,000 signatures to the Colorado Secretary of State, more than double what is needed to place a minimum wage increase initiative on the November ballot. Western Colorado Congress members gathered over 1,000 of those signatures … Continued