Reform federal coal leasing nonprofits do during election season

WORC members speak out to reform federal coal leasing

In Casper, in Salt Lake City, in Knoxville, in Seattle, in Grand Junction, and in Billings, WORC members made a strong case to reform federal coal leasing and detailed issues that need to be addressed. Scoping hearings around the country drew big … Continued

federal coal leasing

Westerners await hearings on federal coal leasing program

Federal coal leasing is a broken program stuck in the 20th century. For over a generation, a U.S. government program has sold publicly owned coal to private companies at fire-sale prices, losing out on billions of dollars of public funds and leaving … Continued

Gateway Pacific

Gateway Pacific coal terminal sunk

The Army Corps of Engineers turned down the Gateway Pacific Terminal, a proposed coal export terminal at Cherry Point, near Bellingham, Washington. The Corps ruled the project would impact the treaty-protected fishing rights of the Lummi Nation. Artist and Northern … Continued

federal coal leasing

Federal coal leasing study focus of Whistle Stop Tour

In May and June the Department of the Interior (DOI) plans to hold six hearings on the federal coal leasing program. The hearings are an opportunity for the public to comment as the agency reviews the controversial program. Numerous reports have … Continued

coal self bonding

Coal Self Bonding in Senators’ Cross Hairs

Prominent Senators from Washington State and Illinois launched a congressional investigation of coal self bonding for mine reclamation allowed by some states, including Wyoming. Taxpayers are potentially on the hook for over a billion dollars worth of reclamation work after two major … Continued

people's lobby

People’s Lobby promotes WCC’s priorities with legislators

From March 7 to 9, the People’s Lobby, twelve Western Colorado Congress leaders and staff, traveled to the State Capitol and met with nine lawmakers about legislation that benefits West Slope communities.  The long drive to Denver is part of WCC’s annual People’s Lobby Trip. These are … Continued

@015 Congressional Scorecard

GMO labeling bill keeps consumers in the DARK

Senator Pat Roberts introduced H.R. 1599, a bill to stop efforts to label genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The bill has a hearing in the U.S. Senate Ag Committee on March 1.

2016 election

How do your Members of Congress add up?

WORC 2015 Congressional Scorecard Each year WORC produces a scorecard of the Members of Congress representing states within the WORC network: South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Oregon and Idaho. Scores are based on votes cast on issues important to members. Overview … Continued