independent ranchers

Congress sacrifices meat labels

The Senate today gave final congressional approval to an annual appropriations bill. A provision of the bill repeals the U.S. country-of-origin labeling (COOL) law. The repeal is a response to the World Trade Organization (WTO) decision authorizing Canada and Mexico … Continued

coal self bonding

Report: Account for Coal’s Hidden Costs

A new report released yesterday sheds light on the hidden costs of coal production, which the Department of the Interior (DOI) should take into account if it wants to modernize the federal coal program and earn “fair market value” for taxpayers, as required by … Continued

WORC to US Senate: Reject COOL repeal

WORC and the member groups joined a coalition of 142 rancher, farmer, rural, consumer, manufacturer, labor, faith and environmental groups from across the United States delivered a letter urging the Senate to reject both the effort to repeal the country of … Continued

TPP trade deal released: It’s worse than we thought

After six years of top secret negotiations, the Obama Administration released the text of the massive new Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal Nov. 5. The initial reaction: It’s worse than we thought. If approved by Congress, the TPP trade deal among 12 nations is … Continued

How To’s

Building Organizations How to Recruit Members How to Find and Develop Leaders How to Run Good Meetings How to Deal with Intimidation How to Hold a House Meeting How to Develop a Fundraising Plan How to Understand the Role of … Continued


Holding Big Coal Accountable WORC and its first member groups were founded by ranch families whose land and livelihoods were threatened by the booming coal industry in the 1970s, when dozens of coal strip mines and power plants were proposed … Continued


Deb Love, Executive Director Deb Love began organizing in the fifth grade, where she wrangled a team of students into designing and building a nature trail behind their elementary school. Her love for people and place sustained her 23-year career … Continued

Take Action

Never miss an opportunity to make the west even better: receive our action alerts. We’re still fighting for the right to know where our beef comes from. Not all Country of Origin Labeling legislation is created equal. We need labeling … Continued