How To’s

Building Organizations How to Recruit Members How to Find and Develop Leaders How to Run Good Meetings How to Deal with Intimidation How to Hold a House Meeting How to Develop a Fundraising Plan How to Understand the Role of … Continued


Holding Big Coal Accountable WORC and its first member groups were founded by ranch families whose land and livelihoods were threatened by the booming coal industry in the 1970s, when dozens of coal strip mines and power plants were proposed … Continued


Deb Love, Executive Director Deb Love began organizing in the fifth grade, where she wrangled a team of students into designing and building a nature trail behind their elementary school. Her love for people and place sustained her 23-year career … Continued

Take Action

Never miss an opportunity to make the west even better: receive our action alerts. Stop Montana Senator Steve Daines from taking oil and gas rules back to 1951 This spring, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) finalized new rules that … Continued