How to Take an Action

Take Action Hundreds of people rally at the state capitol against a bill to weaken environmental laws. Citizens go door to door with a petition against a proposed toxic dump. A group meets with the mayor to demand more affordable … Continued

How to Organize a Strong Local Chapter

This training is part of WORC’s community organizer training series. Building an effective, long term multi-issue grassroots community organization requires a systematic approach, which can take a variety of forms depending on the mission and vision that the membership wants … Continued

How to Run Good Meetings

Why hold a meeting? You can’t have a good meeting without clear reasons for meeting in the first place. Know why you’re holding the meeting. What’s your purpose? What do you want to accomplish? If you think clearly about your … Continued

How to Recruit Members

The three examples of successful membership recruitment featured in the sidebar have several things in common. All three groups are grassroots organizations; they need a growing membership to survive. They recruited new members by appealing to the self-interest of the … Continued

silver little eagle

Western Native Voice Community Spotlight: Silver Little Eagle

Change Takes Courage. Introducing Northern Cheyenne’s Youngest Council Representative. We are excited to share with you Western Native Voice’s Community Spotlight, designed to highlight grassroots organizing and individuals creating change from across Indian Country. This month, we would like to introduce … Continued

american ranchers and cattlemen

The Fight Against the Beef Checkoff Continues

WORC filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit challenging the USDA’s corrupt beef checkoff program. In September, WORC joined allies in the filing of an amicus brief in federal court supporting Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund (R-CALF) and U.S. farmers and … Continued

pesticide use in idaho

Lifting the Voices of Farmworkers through Community Organizing.

IORC’s new chapter, Visión 2C Resource Council, organizes farmworkers poisoned by pesticides. This story is part of the Homegrown Stories project and first appeared in the Western Organizing Review. More than 3 million migrant and seasonal farmworkers are estimated to harvest food in … Continued