Shaping the debate in the 2016 election season

Here is a list of questions on some key issues of concern to WORC and the member groups that you can ask candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives this 2016 election season.

Citizens have many opportunities to question political candidates, including:

  • Candidate debates and forums.
  • Town hall meetings.
  • Radio talk shows.
  • Candidate Facebook page and website.

If you would like more information on any of these issues, please contact the Billings office at 406-252-9672 or billings [at] worc [dot] org.


Methane Pollution

Oil & Gas Bonding

  • Do you support efforts at the Department of Interior to raise bonding amounts in order to protect taxpayers from footing the bill to reclaim oil and gas wells?


  • Do you support further reforms at the Pipeline Safety and Hazardous Materials Administration to ensure that our nation’s pipelines are safer? Why? Why not?

Oil by Rail

  • Do you support federal efforts to update rail infrastructure to ensure our rails are not prone to accidents, especially accidents involving crude by rail?
  • Do you support banning the transport of crude by rail in sensitive areas, such as rivers? If yes why? If no why?


  • Do you believe coal companies or taxpayers should pay for mine reclamation?
  • Do you support taxpayer subsidies to coal companies to remove climate-damaging pollutants from their power plant emissions?

Clean Energy

  • Will you oppose measures to rollback implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan?