Welcome to Homegrown Stories’ new website.
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Homegrown Stories website! The team made significant changes to the site to deliver a more interactive, informative, and easier to use experience.
Homegrown Stories is a storytelling project. This project came from a desire to highlight people bucking the dominant, corporate-driven narrative and creating regional food systems that benefit everyone. It celebrates the hardworking people in our food system trying to do things right. These are people creating a new narrative of rural America — one that promotes families over corporations; longevity over boom and bust; and health for people, the land, and the economy.
The new website design not only makes it easy to read great stories about people producing wholesome food, but it also highlights our narrative of healthy, economically sustainable rural communities. In the upcoming months, we’ll be adding even more features to the site, so stay tuned. Also, if you’re not already subscribed, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.
Please check out our new site and pass it along to your friends and allies! And if you’re in a position to give a little to keep Homegrown Stories going strong, please click HERE. A better agriculture world is possible. These stories prove it.
Read more food and agriculture stories HERE.
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