¡El poder para el pueblo!
On January 30, Western Colorado Congress, the Hispanic Affairs Project and WORC sponsored a day-long training in Delta, Colorado, for new and emerging leaders on the principles of community organizing. An ethnically diverse group of 39 participants delved into topics such as campaign planning, base building and public speaking.
For the first time at a WORC training, interpreters provided Spanish-language interpretation with headsets for participants.
An additional benefit of the Delta leadership training was the opportunity the participants had to learn about and support each other’s issues. A major issue for the Latino participants was the fact that even though undocumented residents are eligible to obtain driver’s licenses under Colorado law, their access to such services is very limited and they often have to travel long distances to reach the few licensing offices in the state.
Issues important to others at the training included championing the need for a publicly funded and affordable community center in the City of Grand Junction, and creating forward-looking clean energy plans in targeted cities and towns throughout western Colorado.
Leadership trainings like this are critical to building strong organizations that make lasting change. Community-based organizations, such as WORC’s member groups, believe that every person has the potential to be a leader and to speak and act for herself, and that well designed, inclusive and participatory trainings develop strong leaders.
Our leadership trainings are also group trainings. Training sessions include time for people to develop relationships, try out leadership roles, and test their skills in a safe place before applying them in public.
WORC believes leadership development is an important investment organizations should make over the long run. WORC plans to partner with its member groups throughout the year to hold more local and state-based trainings.
You can also participate in WORC’s nationally-recognized Principles of Community Organizing Training in Billings, Montana on July 20-23. The hands-on training covers the basics of leadership, fundraising, organizational development, and community organizing.
Learn more about WORC’s leadership and capacity building program or contact Deputy Director Kevin Williams at montrose@worc.org.