When we show up on people’s doorsteps, we win.
It’s safe to say that the 2024 election cycle was one for the history books. While we’re still reorienting ourselves to the new political reality in Washington D.C., we’re celebrating our Grassroots Democracy Program’s solid electoral wins around the West including flipping legislative seats in Montana, gaining strong Native delegations in Montana and North Dakota, and shutting down a law in South Dakota that would have allowed pipeline companies to trample local control. These wins bucked national voting trends and were a rare ray of hope that showed when people work together, we can create political transformations that benefit everyone.
WORC’s Grassroots Democracy Program is the network’s political arm encompassing a coalition of rural vote projects and Native vote organizations. These organizations work together to elect candidates that champion issues that support rural, Indigenous, and BIPOC communities. They identify and train network members and leaders to run for office and hold elected officials accountable. And maybe most importantly, the program also works to build strong, permanent infrastructure that stays consistent beyond just two and four-year election cycles. These programs are active parts of our communities, rather than just parachuting in during an election cycle and then vanishing after the ballots are counted.
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Collectively the Grassroots Democracy Program raised over $3.9 million for rural and Native vote campaigns across our region. Our program endorsed 75 candidates and hired over 115 canvassers across the West.
We’ve been working on the ground in our communities across the West for over forty years and know there are electoral opportunities. Margins in rural areas make a huge difference in elections, but winning takes deep relational organizing that doesn’t just happen during election years. It takes investing in trusted local leaders who focus on the issues and values that working families care about most. We saw proof of our strategy through community-inspired wins across the West. Below are some highlights from each of our programs.
Montana Rural Voters
MRV helped flip 12 legislative seats this cycle – the 2nd most in the nation and the most in MT since 1990 MRV also helped elect Katherine Bidegaray to the MT Supreme Court.
- Knocked on 53,259 doors for Jon Tester and local legislative candidates – including in 30+ small towns
- Sent 701,108 mail pieces to 454,973 voters.
- Placed 19,213 rural radio ads, and 514 rural newspaper ads
Western Native Voice
Helped elect 12 Native legislators – which is tied for the largest Native caucus in MT history
- Registered over 3,400 people to vote and hosted statewide Snag Dat Vote tour bringing music and comedy to every reservation
- Ran a robust GOTV campaign that resulted in a 68% voter turnout in Indian Country
- Hired 90+ field staff – the largest field program in their history
Colorado Rural Voters
Built on-the-ground relationships for future work by running their first candidate field program in the Garfield County Commission race
- Knocked 1,055 doors in Rifle and Parachute and had 279 conversations with voters
- Sent 30,589 text messages
- Sent 26,000 direct mail pieces
North Dakota Native Vote
Endorsed four Native candidates, who all got elected – the first time in ND history a legislative district has full Native representation
- Hosted a summer engagement tour providing voter education to Native communities across North Dakota
- Snag Dat Vote campaign in North Dakota
- Executed a pledge to vote capacity building platform
Dakota Rural Action
Defeated Referred Law-21 with 60% of the vote – protecting local control over pipeline decisions
- 39 member volunteers sent 270,000 text messages to voters urging them to vote no on RL-21
- Hosted several community meetings to share information and engage in discussion on the ballot issue
- Ran statewide radio and digital programs
Learn more:
Western Native Voice Community Spotlight: Alissa Snow
A Win in North Dakota for Native Representation, but Still a Long Way To Go

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