without NEPA protections

NEPA, the environmental law that gives you a voice, is under assault

Trump Administration hopes to streamline one of America’s most successful environmental laws out of existence. On June 20, 2018, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) officially announced the Trump Administration’s plans to re-examine CEQ’s longstanding National Environmental Policy Act … Continued

farm bill is corporate welfare

The House Farm Bill is Corporate Welfare

The H.R.2 sequel takes food from needy kids and money from rural communities in order to subsidize factory farms. The vote is expected to be very close, and your voice can make a huge impact. Contact your Representative and demand they … Continued

independent farmer

Symbiotic Relationships are the Key to Understanding Rural Vitality

These three new Homegrown Stories illustrate how symbiotic relationships make farming and ranching some of the most interconnected professions on the planet. Whether it’s the personal relationships between farmers and the people looking to eat healthy, local food, or the relationship … Continued