final BLM methane standards

Methane standards dodge injunction, go into effect

WORC and its allies got a big win when Federal Judge Scott Skavdahl rejected efforts January 16 to block new methane standards by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that would reduce waste of natural gas on federal and tribal … Continued

coal leasing pause coal royalties

WORC Moves to Defend Coal Leasing Pause

A family farm and ranch organization filed a motion January 13 in U.S. District Court alongside conservation groups to defend a pause in the outdated federal coal leasing program against a legal challenge. The coal leasing pause was put in … Continued

BLM methane rules

Methane Rules Supported by WORC in Lawsuit

WORC and a coalition of health, community, environmental groups are intervening in a lawsuit to defend new methane rules that would prevent the waste of natural resources, save money for taxpayers, and significantly reduce harmful emissions that affect public health … Continued

regiser Native American turnout

Native American Turnout in Montana Increased in 2016 Elections

Get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts by Western Native Voice helped to increase Native American turnout on Montana’s seven Native reservations. Phone calls, rides to the polls, and door knocking bumped turnout in Native communities from 57 percent in 2012 to 59 percent … Continued

independent ranchers Grant & Mabel Dobbs

Independent ranchers gain protections and challenge checkoff

Independent ranchers received good news this week. On December 14,  the Grains Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration announced the Farmer Fair Practices Rules. The rules contain an interim final rule on competitive injury, a proposed rule on unfair practices and … Continued

anti-corporate farming law

ND Farm Bureau can still do the right thing

North Dakota voters decided to keep an anti-corporate farming law. Dakota Resource Council member Jeri Lynn Bakken takes after the North Dakota Farm Bureau for filing suit against the law in this letter-to-the-editor in the Dickinson Press. This past June, … Continued

final BLM methane standards

Final BLM Methane Rules Stronger Than Expected

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released its final rule addressing the waste of natural gas via flaring, venting, and leaks. Since 2013, the WORC network has advocated for the finalization of the rule. The purpose of a federal … Continued

Photo of a flare Ryan Zinke, BLM methane waste prevention rule, methane pollution, natural gas waste, congressional review act, methane standards

Natural Gas Waste Standards Targeted by Industry and States

WORC teamed with 14 national, regional, tribal and local public health and environmental groups representing millions of Americans to take legal steps to defend new standards that reduce natural gas waste on public and tribal lands, protect public health, and … Continued